Thursday, November 14, 2013

Macro photos---less is more!

Macro photography simply defined refers to photographing small objects and making them large.  For example, the photo close-up of a bug that emphasizes its bulging eyes or, as in the series below, the photographing of flowers from a very close point of view that produces a large image.

The macro process often challenges our perception of the object, and we don't always recognize it.

These three photos are of tulips:                                                 



The next series includes macro shots of orchids, most of them taken at Bayside Nursery:


Daisies, sunflowers, roses, begonias---all perfect for macro photography:

This bumblebee was too busy working in the hollyhock to notice my intrusion:


 Disclaimer:  I may have erred in some of the flower names.  Feel free to make corrections!