Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bald Eagles 2017

I recently traveled to the Davenport, Iowa area to check out the winter arrival of Bald Eagles. During a stop at the Davenport Visitors Center, I learned that several eagles have been sighted at Lock & Dam #14 located in Pleasant Valley, Iowa about 10 miles from Davenport.

What a great tip! This location has a fairly large parking lot adjacent to the dam, a clean restroom facility, and, most importantly, a user-friendly boardwalk next to the water where there's room for many photographers to set up their gear with lots of space to share with others.

When my wife and I arrived, there were at least ten eagles in trees, waiting for the opportune time to hunt fish.

The first thing I noticed was this pair of eagles posing for us in a nearby tree. Eagles mate for life, and I imagined that this was a nesting pair either passing through or establishing a nest in the area.

And then the eagles started their hunt:

Luckily for us, a photographer had set up an ice chest loaded with dead fish.  Using a large syringe, he pumped a fish full of air so that the fish would float, enticing the eagles to leave their roost and make their strike for an easy meal.

Their accuracy was admirable, and they seldom missed the target.

One enterprising juvenile eagle caught the biggest fish, and it was not one of the dead ones.

These eagles were not bashful and were totally willing to fly close to the area where photographers gathered.

                       A juvenile and adult eagle performed their acrobatic flight in tandem for us.

I spent several hours at the dam and I met photographers from Illinois, Michigan and Georgia. I had great conversations with them about gear and techniques and I learned a lot, especially about wearing proper winter clothing. I had a lot to learn about that!

I encourage everyone to make the 3 1/2 hour trip to Davenport during the eagle season. You can stop for lunch at Flynnies Diner in Dixon, Illinois (free home-made warm cinnamon buns!) and also visit the house where Ronald Reagan grew up. Yahoo!